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عزيزي الزائر ، من فضلك ، لاحظ أننا لا نبيع منتجاتنا على الموقع. أنت مدعو لتصفح مجموعاتنا ومنتجاتنا والاتصال بنا لمعرفة أين يمكن العثور عليها وشرائها.

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ساعات العمل لدينا

من الاثنين إلى الجمعة من الساعة 9 صباحًا حتى الساعة 6 مساءً
السبت من الساعة 9 صباحًا حتى الساعة 3 عصرًا


2017 Germany-Frankfurt / Heimtextil (10-13 January 2017)

2017 Germany-Frankfurt / Heimtextil (10-13 January 2017)

2017 Germany-Frankfurt / Heimtextil (10-13 January 2017). Our Hall no: 3.1 / G 85

2016 UAE-Dubai / Big 5 (21-24 November 2016)

2016 UAE-Dubai / Big 5 (21-24 November 2016)

2016 UAE-Dubai / Big 5  (21-24 November 2016) Our Hall No: Saeed / B177

2016 Russia-Moscow / Heimtextil (20-23 September 2016)

2016 Russia-Moscow / Heimtextil (20-23 September 2016)

2016 Russia-Moscow / Heimtextil (20-23 September 2016). Our Hall no: 3 / A 08

2016 High school students of interiour decoration department

2016 High school students of interiour decoration department

High school students of interiour decoration department visited AdaWall. They learned what is wallpaper, how we design and how we produce high tech new generation wallpapers.

AdaWall Quality Certifications

AdaWall Quality Certifications

AdaWall takes place in the sector with all the international qualification documents. It has unique design approach, advance production technology, world class packaging shipments and understanding to provide after sales customer satisfaction in the real sense.